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This module is intended for creating invisible tags which can be used to pass
language independent data from some templates to infoboxes. Those tags are often
used by templates like [Template:Artwork] to pass data to Wikidata
Authors and maintainers:
* User:Jarekt - original version
require('strict') -- used for debugging purposes as it detects cases of unintended global variables
-- ==================================================
-- === External functions ===========================
-- ==================================================
local p = {}
function p.replaceUnlessQuoted(str, oldChar, newChar)
-- String "str" has some sections that are in quotes and some that are not.
-- Do replacements only in the text sections which are not in "" quotes.
local quote = string.byte('"')
local comma = string.byte(oldChar)
local quoted = false
for pos = 1, #str do
if str:byte(pos) == quote then
quoted = not quoted
if str:byte(pos) == comma and not quoted then
str = str:sub(1,pos-1) .. newChar .. str:sub(pos+1, str:len())
return str
-- ===========================================================================
-- === Version of the function to be called from other LUA codes
-- ===========================================================================
function p.createTag(field, property, value)
-- create tags to insert using "field" "property" and "value" strings.
-- "field" is an unique label to distinguish it from other tags.
-- "property" and "value" are actually in a format similar to the one expected by QuickStatements
return mw.ustring.format('<div style="display: none;">%s QS:%s,%s</div>\n', field, property or 'P', value)
function p.changeField(text, old, new)
-- replace "field" part of the tag. It is needed as sometimes template adding those tags does not
-- know the meaning, which is known the the outside template. For example in
-- "{{Book|translator={{Creator|wikidata=Q12345}}" the Creator template will create initial
-- tag with the wikidata item and {{Book}} template will add label and property for "transaltor".
local patrn = '%<div style="display: none;"%>'.. old ..' QS:([^%<]+)%</div%>'
local repl = '<div style="display: none;">'.. new ..' QS:%1</div>'
return mw.ustring.gsub(text, patrn, repl)
function p.changeProperty(text, field, old, new)
-- replace "property" part of the tag. It is needed as sometimes template adding those tags does not
-- know the meaning, which is known the the outside template. For example in
-- "{{Book|translator={{Creator|wikidata=Q12345}}" the Creator template will create initial
-- tag with the wikidata item and {{Book}} template will add label and property for "transaltor".
if not old then -- string "old" is optional if nil than any property will be replaced
old = '[^%,]+'
local patrn = '%<div style="display: none;"%>' .. field .. ' QS:' .. old .. ',([^%<]+)%</div%>'
local repl = '<div style="display: none;">' .. field .. ' QS:' .. new .. ',%1</div>'
return mw.ustring.gsub(text, patrn, repl)
function p.readTag(text, field)
-- read a single tag
local pat = '%<div style="display: none;"%>'..field..' QS:([^%<]+)%</div%>'
local qs = string.match(text, pat) -- find hidden tag with QS code
local _, nMatch = string.gsub(text, pat, "") -- count matches
if qs and nMatch==1 then -- allow only single matches
return p.replaceUnlessQuoted(qs, ',', '|')
function p.readTags(text, field)
-- read multiple tags and return array of them
local pat = '%<div style="display: none;"%>'..field..' QS:([^%<]+)%</div%>'
local ret = {}
for qs in mw.ustring.gmatch(text, pat) do
table.insert(ret, p.replaceUnlessQuoted(qs, ',', '|') )
return ret
function p.hasTag(text, field)
-- does the "text" has a tag with field "field", or if field=nil does it have any tags?
return text~= p.removeTag(text, field)
function p.removeTag(text, field)
-- remove tags with field "field" from the string. Field =nil will replace all tags
if not field then
field = '[^ ]+'
local patrn = '%<div style="display: none;"%>' .. field .. ' QS:[^%<]+%</div%>'
return mw.ustring.gsub(text, patrn, '')
-- ===========================================================================
-- === Versions of the function to be called from template namespace
-- ===========================================================================
function p.CreateTag(frame)
return p.createTag(frame.args[1], frame.args[2], frame.args[3])
return p