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This module is intended for processing of date strings.
Please do not modify this code without applying the changes first at Module:ISOdate/sandbox and testing
at Module:ISOdate/sandbox/testcases and Module talk:ISOdate/sandbox/testcases.
Authors and maintainers:
* User:Parent5446 - original version of the function mimicking template:ISOdate
* User:Jarekt - original version of the functions mimicking template:Date and template:ISOyear
-- =======================================
-- === Dependencies ======================
-- =======================================
local Date = require('Module:DateI18n')._Date
-- =======================================
-- === Local Functions ===================
-- =======================================
local function parse_ISOdate(datestr)
-- Core function of this module, which splits "datestr" contining date in ISO format into Year, month, day, ... components
-- Output is "datevec" array with numbers representing date components. We also return "tail" storing text following the date
-- pattern: regexp - regular expresion to test; dlen - number of date elements; tail = which element is a "tail" if any
-- regexp hints:
-- 1) Strings starting with "^" and ending with "$" indicate whole string match
-- 2) optional tail part copied as-is and following the main parsed part of the date have to be separated from the date by a whitespace, so "(\s.+)?"
local patterns = {
-- strings starting with YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS. Year 4 digits (if we know seconds than it was within the last 100 years), the rest 1-2
-- date and time can be separated by space or "T" and there could be a "Z" on the end indicating "Zulu" time zone
{dlen=6, tail=7, regexp="^+?(%d%d%d%d)-(%d%d?)-(%d%d?)[ T](%d%d?):(%d%d?):(%d%d?)Z?(%s.*)"},
{dlen=6, tail=0, regexp="^+?(%d%d%d%d)-(%d%d?)-(%d%d?)[ T](%d%d?):(%d%d?):(%d%d?)Z?$"},
-- strings starting with YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM. Year 4 digits, the rest 1-2
-- (if one knows hour and minute than it was probably after a year 1000)
{dlen=5, tail=6, regexp="^+?(%d%d%d%d)-(%d%d?)-(%d%d?)[ T](%d%d?):(%d%d?)(%s.+)"},
{dlen=5, tail=0, regexp="^+?(%d%d%d%d)-(%d%d?)-(%d%d?)[ T](%d%d?):(%d%d?)$"},
-- strings starting with YYYY-MM-DD. Year 1-4 digits, the rest 1-2
{dlen=3, tail=4, regexp="^+?(%d%d?%d?%d?)-(%d%d?)-(%d%d?)(%s.+)"},
{dlen=3, tail=0, regexp="^+?(%d%d?%d?%d?)-(%d%d?)-(%d%d?)$"},
-- strings starting with YYYY-MM. Year 3-4 digits, month 2 digits
-- (want to avoit converting to dates strings like 10-5 = 5
{dlen=2, tail=3, regexp="^+?(%d%d%d%d?)-(%d%d)(%s.+)"},
-- if whole string is in YYYY-MM form: If Year 1-4 digits, month 1-2 digits
{dlen=2, tail=0, regexp="^+?(%d%d?%d?%d?)-(%d%d?)$"},
-- string starts with a number -> it has to be 3 or 4 digit long to be a year
{dlen=1, tail=2, regexp="^+?(%d%d%d%d?)(%s.+)"},
-- if whole string is a number (1-4 digit long) than it will be interpreted as a year
{dlen=1, tail=0, regexp="^+?(%d%d?%d?%d?)$"},
-- create datevec based on which variables are provided
local datevec = {}
local tail = ''
for i, pat in ipairs( patterns ) do
local vec = {datestr:match( pat.regexp )}
if vec and vec[1]~=nil then
for j=1, pat.dlen do
datevec[j] = vec[j]
if pat.tail>0 and vec[pat.tail]~=nil then
tail = mw.ustring.gsub(' ' .. vec[pat.tail], ' +', ' ')
if not datevec[1] or datevec[1]=='' then
-- quickly return if datestr does not look like date (it could be a template)
return nil, nil
return datevec, tail
-- ==================================================
-- === External functions ===========================
-- ==================================================
local p = {}
-- ===========================================================================
-- === Version of the function to be called from other LUA codes
-- ===========================================================================
function p._ISOyear( datestr )
-- if empty string then return it
datestr = mw.text.trim(datestr or '' )
if datestr == '' then
return ''
-- if number then return it
if tonumber( datestr ) then
return mw.ustring.format( '%04i', datestr )
-- otherwise use regular expression match
datestr = mw.ustring.match( datestr, '^+?(-?%d%d?%d?%d?)-' )
if datestr and tonumber( datestr ) then
return mw.ustring.format( '%04i', datestr )
return ''
function p._ISOdate(datestr, lang, case, class, trim_year)
datestr = mw.text.trim(datestr or '' )
local datevec, tail = parse_ISOdate(datestr)
if not datevec then
return datestr, false -- quickly return if datestr does not look like date (it could be a template)
-- call p._Date function to format date string
local datestr2 = Date(datevec, lang, case, class, trim_year)
if datestr2~='' then
return mw.text.trim( datestr2 .. tail), true
else -- in case of errors return the original string
return datestr, false
-- ===========================================================================
-- === Versions of the function to be called from template namespace
-- ===========================================================================
This function is the core part of the ISOdate template.
1: The date string
lang: The language to display it in
form: Language format (genitive, etc.) for some languages
class: CSS class for the <time> node
Error Handling:
If the string does not look like it contain the proper ISO date than the function will return the original string.
That is the preferred treatment for the template:Information (and similar templates) which calling it.
function p.ISOdate(frame)
local args = {}
for name, value in pairs( frame.args ) do
if value ~= '' then -- nuke empty strings
if type(name)=='string' then
name = string.gsub( string.lower(name), ' ', '_')
args[name] = value
local datestr, succeded = p._ISOdate(
args[1] or '',
args.lang, -- language
args.case, -- allows to specify grammatical case for the month for languages that use them
args.class or 'dtstart', -- allows to set the html class of the time node where the date is included.
args.trim_year or '100-999' -- by default pad one and 2 digit years to be 4 digit long, while keeping 3 digit years as is
return datestr
This function returns year part of date string.
1: The date string
Error Handling:
If the string does not look like it contain the year than the function will not return anything.
That is the preferred treatment for the template:Creator which is the main (only?) template calling it.
function p.ISOyear( frame )
return p._ISOyear( frame.args[1] )
return p