مستخدم:NKohli (WMF)
About me
Hello! I'm Niharika! I've been around on Wikimedia projects for a while. My earliest work for the communities was for compacting the language-selection on Wikipedia articles which I worked on during my Outreachy internship. After that I got an opportunity to work on the Wikimania scholarships and Grants-review applications. Consequently I worked as a software engineer on the Community Tech team for a while. CopyPatrol, Popular pages bot, LoginNotify, Syntax highlighting Global Preferences etc. are some of the projects I worked on as an engineer. Eventually I took over product management responsibilities in the Community Tech team for over a year and worked on some great projects from the Community Wishlist.
In May 2019, I stepped into the role of being a Product Manager on Anti-Harassment Tools which in 2023 was merged with a different team and formed into Trust and Safety Product.
It's been an amazing journey and I have loved working with so many different community members that I have crossed paths with in my various roles.
My work
I currently work on the Trust and Safety Product team as a product manager, helping build tools to keep our communities safe and healthy. :)
Contact me
- E-mail:niharika
- GTalk IM: niharika
- IRC Nick: Niharika
- Channels: #wikimedia-commtech, #mediawiki, #wikimedia-dev
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