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مستخدم:Kbrown (WMF)

محتويات الصفحة غير مدعومة بلغات أخرى.
من ويكي مصدر، المكتبة الحرة
Karen Brown

Trust & Safety Specialist
Wikimedia Foundation

Timezone: US Eastern (UTC-4 or UTC-5 depending on time of year)
Working hours: Within my time zone, I keep early hours, often working hours like 6am through 3 or 4pm.
Volunteer account: m:user:Fluffernutter
Contact me at...?: My talk page, IRC (my screename is Fluffernutter or Karen-WMF), Discord (Fluffernutter), or email (see below)

I am a Trust & Safety Specialist at the Wikimedia Foundation. I started here in 2015, when we were called the Community Advocacy team, and I've been along for the ride since! My current responsibilities as part of the Trust and Safety team include liaising with the Ombuds Commission, supporting the Foundation's work in furthering Healthy Community Culture, Inclusivity, and Safe Spaces, and a variety of smaller tasks like advising on the Foundation's response to crises and supporting staff who are learning to work on the community's projects.
User language
en-N This user has a native understanding of English.
es-2 Esta usuaria tiene un conocimiento intermedio del español.
Users by language
Hi, I’m Karen Brown, but you may have already met me in my volunteer capacity as Fluffernutter. I’ve been an active Wikimedia editor, mostly on the English Wikipedia, since 2008. I am an administrator, wikignome, and occasional article writer on the English Wikipedia. My editing interests include copyediting and medico-legal topics (particularly notable murders and murderers). Check out this featured article I wrote (cw: child death), or how I re-wrote this one.

Outside of Wikipedia, I have a degree in Linguistics, and I speak (slow) conversational Spanish and a few words of Italian and Czech. I dabble in learning to program in Python, but I struggle to get much farther than "hello world". I knit and crochet (and hoard pretty yarn, which, I assure you, is a separate hobby). In my spare time, I have volunteered as an EMT, sung in an an all-female a cappella group, and rescued two cats and a very, very lazy ex-racing greyhound.
إخلاء مسؤولية
أنا أعمل لصالح مؤسسة ويكيميديا أو أقدم خدمات لمؤسسة ويكيميديا، وهذا هو الحساب الذي أحاول استخدامه للتعديلات أو البيانات التي أدلي بها في هذا الدور. ومع ذلك، فإن المؤسسة لا تدقق في جميع أنشطتي، وقد لا تعكس التعديلات أو البيانات أو المساهمات الأخرى التي أدلي بها من خلال هذا الحساب وجهات نظر المؤسسة.