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مستخدم:Johan (WMF)

محتويات الصفحة غير مدعومة بلغات أخرى.
من ويكي مصدر، المكتبة الحرة
Johan Jönsson

Manager, Movement Communications
Movement Communications

Pronouns: he
Timezone: UTC - 1 / UTC - 2
Languages: Swedish, English, German

One of the ways the Wikimedia Foundation tries to involve the communities in the software development process is to partner with specific wikis who are willing to try out a new product as it's being developed, making sure that we tailor it to their needs so that the tools we build reflect the Wikimedia editors' workflows. I manage the Product Ambassador program, our way of being able to communicate with these wikis in their language and to understand the specifics of the local communities.

In general, I work with the technical development of the Wikimedia wikis as part of Movement Communications. I try to make sure the communities and different technical teams at the Foundation understand each other and that we can get the information we need from the Wikimedia communities to prioritize the things that will help the communities the most.

Short personal essays

I began working at the Wikimedia Foundation in November 2018. I've worked in international transparency, labor and political organizing, and education. I've lived in five countries (and hopefully counting). Based in San Francisco.
إخلاء مسؤولية
أنا أعمل لصالح مؤسسة ويكيميديا أو أقدم خدمات لمؤسسة ويكيميديا، وهذا هو الحساب الذي أحاول استخدامه للتعديلات أو البيانات التي أدلي بها في هذا الدور. ومع ذلك، فإن المؤسسة لا تدقق في جميع أنشطتي، وقد لا تعكس التعديلات أو البيانات أو المساهمات الأخرى التي أدلي بها من خلال هذا الحساب وجهات نظر المؤسسة.
User language
sv-N Den här användaren har svenska som modersmål.
en-5 This user has professional knowledge of English.
de-3 Dieser Benutzer beherrscht Deutsch auf hohem Niveau.
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