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قالب:Page break/شرح

من ويكي مصدر، المكتبة الحرة



To break up discontiguous runs of pages. For continuing text, use of <pages>, as per style is preferred.

This template also produces page-break markup that hints to e-book readers that there should be a page break at the given location.

If you do not want a break in the text, but you want to place a marker where the original text crosses a page, use {{pagenum}}.


  • 1 word to be used
  • 2, positioning of the line and label:
  • Add top for the line to be above label
  • Leave blank or write bottom for the line to be below the label
  • label, prefixing word, default word is page, or label= to have no prefix. Note that label can also be used for non-standard alternate labelling of page separation.
Formatting options
  • border-width, default is 1 px
  • border-style, default is dashed
  • border-color, default is #999999



Example 1 - Suppressing label


This would be the expected form used when transcluding works from the Index:/Page: namespace.

Wiki text

and so the moral of this story is, when you
{{page break|label=}}
ain't got rhythm, you should get out of the kitchen.



and so the moral of this story is, when you ain't got rhythm, you shouldn't be in the kitchen.

Example 2 - Label on top


Wiki text

and so the moral of this story is, when you
{{page break|17}}
ain't got rhythm, you should get out of the kitchen.



and so the moral of this story is, when you page 17 ain't got rhythm, you shouldn't be in the kitchen.

Example 3 - Label below


Wiki text

and so the moral of this story is, when you
{{page break|18|top}}
ain't got rhythm, you should get out of the kitchen.



and so the moral of this story is, when you page 18 ain't got rhythm, you shouldn't be in the kitchen.

See also


قالب:Page break templates