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صفحة:بشير بين السلطان والعزيز، الجزء الثاني (الجامعة اللبنانية، الطبعة الثانية).pdf/128

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BARKER, JOHN, Syria and Egypt under the last five Sultans of Turkey: Being Experiences, during Fity years, of Mr. Consul-General Barker. Chiefly from His Letters and Journals, edited by His son, Edward B.B. Barker, 2 vols., London, 1876.
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CHURCHILL, COLONEL, Mount Lebanon, A Ten Years' Residence from 1842 to 1852. Describing the manners, customs, and religion of Its inhabitants with a full and correct account of the Druse Religion, and containing historical records of the mountain tribes from personal intercourse with their chiefs and other authentic sources. In three volumes. London, 1853.
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