(حولت الصفحة من مستخدم:Ciphers/Gadget-TemplatePreloader.js)
ملاحظة: بعد النشر، أنت قد تحتاج إلى إفراغ الكاش الخاص بمتصفحك لرؤية التغييرات.
- فايرفوكس / سافاري: أمسك Shift أثناء ضغط Reload، أو اضغط على إما Ctrl-F5 أو Ctrl-R (⌘-R على ماك)
- جوجل كروم: اضغط Ctrl-Shift-R (⌘-Shift-R على ماك)
- إنترنت إكسبلورر/إيدج: أمسك Ctrl أثناء ضغط Refresh، أو اضغط Ctrl-F5
- أوبرا: اضغط Ctrl-F5.
/* هذا السكريبت يقوم بتحميل [[قالب:ترويسة]] عند بداية إنشاء صفحة. تم استيراد وتعريب هذه الصفحة من النسخة الأصلية في ويكيمصدر الإنكليزيةWikisource
من قبل [[مستخدم:Cipher]] في ديسمبر 2008.
Preload Template:Header when adding a new text */
/* For help, see '''Help:Header preloading script gadget''' */
function preloadHeaderTemplate()
var wpTextbox1 = document.getElementById("wpTextbox1")
if (wpTextbox1.value == "")
//fill in header template
var subpageDepth = 0
var isSubpage
var pathToTOC = "" //typically "../"
var subpageTitle
var subpageTitleRegExp
var rawBasePageRequest
var tocPageTitle
var beginningOfShortSectionTitle //for example, if tocPageTitle == "Democracy in America/Volume 2", then beginningOfShortSectionTitle == "Volume 2, " - this is used to determine the values for "previous" and "next"
var rawTocPageRequest //table of contents page
var rawTocPageWithoutHeader
var wpTextbox1value = "{{ترويسة\n | عنوان = "
if (mw.config.get('wgTitle').indexOf("/") != -1) //a slash could indicate that it's a subpage
rawBasePageRequest = new XMLHttpRequest()
//determine where the base page name ends and where the subpage name begins
for (var slashPosition = mw.config.get('wgTitle').indexOf("/"); slashPosition != -1; slashPosition = mw.config.get('wgTitle').indexOf("/", slashPosition + 1))
rawBasePageRequest.open("GET", mw.config.get('wgServer') + mw.config.get('wgScript') + "?title=" + mw.config.get('wgTitle').substr(0, slashPosition) + "&action=raw", false)
if (rawBasePageRequest.responseText != "") //base page found
wpTextbox1value += "[["
//output however many "../" will take us to the base page
for (var i = mw.config.get('wgTitle').lastIndexOf("/"); i >= slashPosition; i = mw.config.get('wgTitle').lastIndexOf("/", i - 1))
wpTextbox1value += "../"
subpageDepth += 1
wpTextbox1value += "]]"
isSubpage = true
if (isSubpage == false) //despite the slash in this page's title, no base page was found, so assume that this page is the base page (for example, "9/11 Commission Report")
wpTextbox1value += mw.config.get('wgTitle')
//round 2: find the table of contents page, not necessarily the same as the base page
var slashPosition = mw.config.get('wgTitle').lastIndexOf("/")
if (subpageDepth > 1)
rawTocPageRequest = new XMLHttpRequest()
for (; slashPosition != -1; slashPosition = mw.config.get('wgTitle').lastIndexOf("/", slashPosition - 1))
pathToTOC += "../"
tocPageTitle = mw.config.get('wgTitle').substr(0, slashPosition) //will be used later
rawTocPageRequest.open("GET", mw.config.get('wgServer') + mw.config.get('wgScript') + "?title=" + tocPageTitle + "&action=raw", false)
if (rawTocPageRequest.responseText != "") //TOC page found
else //if the depth is only 1 then the base page and the TOC page are the same
//set up variables without going through the whole loop
pathToTOC = "../"
tocPageTitle = mw.config.get('wgTitle').substr(0, slashPosition)
rawTocPageRequest = rawBasePageRequest
//for later
subpageTitle = mw.config.get('wgTitle').substr(slashPosition + 1) //subpageTitle is relative to the table of contents, not the base page
var indexOfSlashInTocPageTitle = tocPageTitle.indexOf("/")
if (indexOfSlashInTocPageTitle != -1)
beginningOfShortSectionTitle = tocPageTitle.substring(tocPageTitle.indexOf("/") + 1).replace(/\//g, ", ") + ", " //change / to , - better than doing nothing
beginningOfShortSectionTitle = ""
else //definitely not a subpage
wpTextbox1value += mw.config.get('wgTitle')
wpTextbox1value += "\n | مؤلف = "
if (isSubpage)
wpTextbox1value += /\{\{[\s]*ترويسة[2]?[\s]*[\s\S]*\|[\s]*مؤلف[\s]*\=([^\||\}\}]*)/.exec(rawTocPageRequest.responseText)[1].replace(/^\s+/,"").replace(/\s+$/,"")
catch (e)
//if there was an error, just leave the field blank
wpTextbox1value += "\n | مترجم = "
if (isSubpage)
wpTextbox1value += /\{\{[\s]*ترويسة[2]?[\s]*[\s\S]*\|[\s]*مترجم[\s]*\=([^\||\}\}]*)/.exec(rawTocPageRequest.responseText)[1].replace(/^\s+/,"").replace(/\s+$/,"")
catch (e)
//if there was an error, just leave the field blank
wpTextbox1value += "\n | باب = "
if (isSubpage) //only subpages have section titles
subpageTitleRegExp = subpageTitle.replace(/[ _]/, "[ _]") //subpageTitleRegExp will also be used later
subpageTitleRegExp = "[" + subpageTitleRegExp[0].toUpperCase() + subpageTitleRegExp[0].toLowerCase() + "]" + subpageTitleRegExp.substr(1) //MediaWiki is not case-sensitive on the first letter
wpTextbox1value += (new RegExp("\\[\\[/" + subpageTitleRegExp + "\\|(.*)\]\]")).exec(rawTocPageRequest.responseText)[1]
catch (e)
//if there was an error, fall back on just adding the section name
wpTextbox1value += subpageTitle.replace(/\//g, ", ")
//used for both previous page and next page determination
var indexOfCurrentPageInTableOfContents = -1 //the -1 makes sure that if the value can't be found, "undefined" isn't used instead
wpTextbox1value += "\n | سابق = "
rawTocPageWithoutHeader = rawTocPageRequest.responseText.substring(/(\{\{ترويسة[2]?[^\}\}]*)/.exec(rawTocPageRequest.responseText)[1].length) //cut off the header before searching
indexOfCurrentPageInTableOfContents = rawTocPageWithoutHeader.indexOf((new RegExp("\\[\\[/" + subpageTitleRegExp + "[\\||\\]\\]]")).exec(rawTocPageWithoutHeader)[0])
var indexOfTargetLink = rawTocPageWithoutHeader.lastIndexOf("[[/", indexOfCurrentPageInTableOfContents - 3)
var previousPageTitle = /\[\[\/([^\||\]\]]*)/.exec(rawTocPageWithoutHeader.substring(indexOfTargetLink, indexOfCurrentPageInTableOfContents))[1]
wpTextbox1value += "[[" + pathToTOC + previousPageTitle + "|" + beginningOfShortSectionTitle + previousPageTitle.replace(/\//g, ", ") + "]]" //change / to , - better than doing nothing
catch (e)
//if there was an error, just leave the field blank
wpTextbox1value += "\n | تالي = "
if (indexOfCurrentPageInTableOfContents != -1) //if we don't know where we are in the list, do not wrap back to the beginning - strangely, an exception doesn't get thrown if I leave indexOfCurrentPageInTableOfContents alone, and the "next" algorithm jumped back to the beginning of the table of contents page
var indexOfTargetLink = rawTocPageWithoutHeader.indexOf("[[/", indexOfCurrentPageInTableOfContents + subpageTitle.length + 2)
if (indexOfTargetLink != -1) //if we're at the end of the list, do not wrap back to the beginning
var nextPageTitle = /\[\[\/([^\||\]\]]*)/.exec(rawTocPageWithoutHeader.substring(indexOfTargetLink))[1]
wpTextbox1value += "[[" + pathToTOC + nextPageTitle + "|" + beginningOfShortSectionTitle + nextPageTitle.replace(/\//g, ", ") + "]]" //change / to , - better than doing nothing
catch (e)
//if there was an error, just leave the field blank
wpTextbox1.value = wpTextbox1value + "\n | ملاحظات = \n}}\n\n"
/* Preload Template:Textinfo when starting a discussion page */
function preloadTextinfoTemplate()
var wpTextbox1 = document.getElementById("wpTextbox1")
if (wpTextbox1.value == "")
wpTextbox1.value = "{{معلومات نص\n | نسخة = \n | مصدر = \n | مساهمون = \n | تقدم_العمل = \n | ملاحظات = \n | مراجعون = \n}}\n"
/* Preload Template:Author when starting an author page */
function preloadAuthorTemplate()
var wpTextbox1 = document.getElementById("wpTextbox1")
if (wpTextbox1.value == "")
wpTextbox1.value ="{{مؤلف}}\n\n==أعمال==\n\n{{ضبط استنادي}}\n\n"
if (mw.config.get('wgAction') == "edit")
switch (mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber'))
case 0: //main
case 1: //Talk
case 102: //Author